The totem attached to the scrotum. Ie. A man's dick or penis.
A humorous innuendo comparing a totem pole to a penis, specifically in reference to one that is erect or perceived to be.
Warren said, "Dude, that guy just erected a scrotum totem in his trousers"
When somebody places their scrotum on another persons forehead. Seeming like he has a crown.
Look at me! I'm King Scrotuming Philip
When somebody stretches their excess scrotal skin around their fists to keep warm.
"Holy Shit! I can't feel my fingers, good thing I have fists and a ballsack! Thank god for scrotum mittens!
Usually the weird kid in school.
Jake Scrotum: Hey everyone! Do you all think that i can shove this corndog up my ass?
Literally the entire class: OH NO NO NOT AGAIN
when you are playing tennis with you and your boys scrotum
Hey Jake, up for a game up scrotum tennis later with the boys?
when you hairs get stuck in yer japs eye so you shuffle about
yo i did a scrotum shuffle last night bro
Used to describe someone that has reached the level of dick headedness that it's incomprehensible.