When there is still remainders of shit in your asshole after crapping and wiping
"Bertha, why do you keep itching your ass?"
"I got a shit seed in there!"
The money required for upkeep of any sproglets resulting from spreading your seed.
Andrew was forced to take yet another job for seed funding of his former friend's new twins.
A bagel seed is small cheerio shaped oat that is good for the heart.
guy: boi gimme sum o dose bagl seadz
guy: mmm yumi bagel seeds
Someone who scratches their crotch or otherwise puts their hands down there and sniffs it when finished.
Alternatively, someone who puts their hands in someone else’s crotch and smells it when the job is done.
I saw a guy on the bus scratch his junk and smell his hand, dude’s a seed sniffer.
someone that is really really really really creepy
Shanice is a mega-seed
The person or persons who do not tell you that you have seeds stuck in your teeth, despite having conversations with them.
BOY A: OMG, I had a poopy seed in my front tooth!
BOY B: Yeah, I didn't know how to tell you.
BOY A: You're a seed dick!
D1: To be able to give extremely good female oral sex.
D2: To be able to fold your tongue into a taco shape and spit a seed or "Shoot the seed"
E1:After having spent all his life on a farm, John Colbert was really good with the ladies.
They all knew he could really Shoot the seed.
E2: John could also plant a garden in 1 minute, by shooting seeds.
(if John Colbert reads this,
"you have to pretend to Shoot the seed
on the Colbert Report... pretty please")