A massive mother fucking liar who needs to be humbled
Shai katz: im amazing
Person: no ur not ur annoying
A man with a massive hog who takes it upon himself to review every and all sleeping facilities in ireland whether you want to see it or not. (Typically found on Instagram and facebook)
Oh wow look at my facebook feed there is a sexy review for oakhills bed and breakfast Co. Clare, that guy is such a shay Scanialad.
Our lord and saviour, the one who freed us and makes the best music.
I beat it to shigga shay last night, It hit the ceiling.
Known as a person with clinical and deep depression.
He is likely to commit suicide in the next ten years.
His weakness, but also his love is are IFTAH EDRI’S (a creature who is living in the desert)
My life sucks i am going to end my Shay hai
a cute,short girl who will always have love for her friend, but punch them when there being idiots. buy her electronics and you will forever have her loyalty.
there so nice, just like shai khaia
the act of sucking in ass from your buthole and squezzing it out
dude, he is the dung shay master!
Po so fucking sexy I’d fuck him how bout u he has a giant penis and knows how to use it
If someone is hot funny amazing has a large penis
And is strait they are a shay (boy)
Oh Shay pls fuck me ahhhhhhh
Shay harder please harder
Shay known as the hottest of all