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Keystone Skateboards

The Skateboard Company Paul Frasco Rides For.

I Didn't Get Your Keystone Skateboards Stickers Yet.

by Hello0000000001 May 27, 2009

Welcome Skateboards

The best board company fucking ever

p0$3r: Aye diylain, what kinda board is that it’s sexyy as fuck
d!¥LA!n: It’s a Welcome Skateboards deck fucker

by diylain November 10, 2019

English Skateboard

When you fuck a bitch and you start your second round you slip on a skateboard and stick your whole dick in and ejaculate into her stomach saying pip pip cheerio

Oh shit i english skateboarded the hooker and now we have a kid

by The Nigga Behind You October 27, 2020

Ucf skateboarding

The skateboarding club at the University of Central Florida. One of the most popular clubs at UCF the community meets at the addition financial arena every Tuesday to skate and socialize.

You Billy you going to the ucf skateboarding skate meet at 6 today?

Yes! They bringing the box to skate!

by November 24, 2021

Braille Skateboarding

A group of skaterss that work with aron kyro,fetty potter,nigel and so on they do many things not just skate boarding. They have the first try foundation ahere they give away boards to kids in need(or in need of a skateboard i cant remember).

Anyway I wish them all the best(fetty pls dont break another bone pls)(I hope carlos is livin the life doin his ow n thing).

Man i love watching fetty from braille skateboarding. My favourite is Nigel because he does crazy stuff like back flips

by Womenrespecter September 23, 2019


To shut down a feature request in software development in favor of delivering an MVP. As in "We've got to build a skateboard before we can build a car." Derived from the popular infographic about delivering MVP's in which you develop a skateboard first, followed by a scooter, then a bicycle, then a motorcycle, then a car.

"I asked Terry to add more "pop" to the sign in page and he totally skateboarded me!"

by Zachmo March 16, 2018

Alex Bars skateboard

Alex bars owns a skateboard

Alex bars skateboard

by Youngnarrowlikesbbc April 1, 2022