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stewart douglas dixon bloor

Total Hottie

Get yourself a Stewart Douglas Dixon Bloor before they run out

person 1: omg its the last stewart douglas dixon bloor

by GirlAgainstFeminisn November 18, 2015

deader than Kristen Stewart's eyes

Something so lifeless or useless (dead) that it out-deads even the lifeless-ness of Kristen Stewart's acting. This term first coined by Maria Walters, aka Masala Skeptic of Skepchick in the post "Reclipse: Yes, Twilight still sucks"

Zombies' brains are deader than Kristen Stewart's eyes.

by ariklkira June 2, 2012

9👍 1👎

Callum Stewart

Callum Stewart is by far one of the best kids you’ll ever meet. He’s sweet, caring, funny, cute and over all just a amazing person. He’s so much fun to be around and so easy to talk you, you can’t help but smile when your around him. Can’t wait to grow closer to him because he’s honestly just a great person :)

wow I really just love callum Stewart

by Koolguys69420 September 12, 2020

Callum Stewart

This is a person who thinks he has a huge dick but actually needs a microscope to see it.

'You're such a Callum Stewart'.

by Jacko7_YT March 28, 2022

Donald R. Stewart lll

the greatest of all and the hottest mother fucker in the world. if you suck his cock you can be his friend

i want to be a Donald R. Stewart lll

by Donald R. Stewart lll February 12, 2020

Ashton stewart

A weird, disabled, good-for-nothing and obnoxious littl- big noonga

"Ashton stewart is so annoying" said ryan
"Yeah he was being a big idiot" replied Sebastian.

by RyDawg2020 July 7, 2021

Ashton Stewart

Ashton stewart is a term to describe a Hispanic boy in his mid teens who is incredibly handsome and is the greatest guitar player in the world

You know jimi hendrix well he's a real Ashton Stewart

by Gsus123 May 10, 2022