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Fuckit syndrome

A point in your life were you dont give a fuck about anything and anyone. You also won't care what you say to people.

At this time you might be called an asshole every 2 or so hours.

man1:Dude you've been a real asshole.

man2:Yea last week i got the Fuckit syndrome.

man1:I had that last month.

by The Darkness1991 January 4, 2010

Dunlop Syndrome

A condition that exists when your belly has "dun lopped" over your belt. Also related to the "spare tire" that comes with obesity.

Sometimes also referred to as "Dunlap Syndrome", Dunlop is caused by over eating and lack of exercise.

"My boyfriend totally has Dunlop Syndrome. He hasn't seen his belt in years."

by bigwoman March 9, 2009

Koo syndrome

Koo syndrome is caused by skin-to-skin contact with other recipents. It is not a lethal and serious disease, but possible side effects are the excessive use of "koo" for other words.

An example of the use of "koo" between two Koo syndrome recipents:
Creeper_Corrupt: Koo join training or demote
(Random dude): No stfu koo im a lazy ass
Creeper: Do you want the "Degradierungzeit?!"
Dude: Oh s### imma join training now no demot pls papa Creep

by cut the crap April 12, 2019

Retard Syndrome

It is a disease on 1 in 5 people. It makes them have a complete lack of social skills. Pisses everyone off and does stupid things. It also kills 23 brain cells a day. Increases chances of dementia by 60%. There is treatment for retard syndrome but there are ways of preventing it like not being a total dickhead. Retard syndrome is contagious if you are friends with someone who has retard syndrome.

Jimmy keeps trying to take are lunch money so he must have retard syndrome.

by Kakwkwk January 23, 2020

Grayscale syndrome

The phenomena that occurs in infomercials where the video becomes black and white and the simplest tasks are impossible without the product being sold in said infomercial

Vince from Shamwow: Its not possible to wipe up a spill you just spread it around and everything goes black and white thats why you need shamwow.
Me: Thanks to grayscale syndrome they'll sell a million sham wows

by Homgen4 January 28, 2009

Grassisgreener Syndrome

1. To covet an item or situation which one does not have.
2. To always want the opposite of what you have.

I contantly suffer from grassisgreener syndrome. When I'm single, I crave being in a relationship. When I'm in a relationship, I crave being single.

by Shanona April 18, 2008

pootra syndrome

When you say/type a word wrong for several times

Him: Hey hwo are you?
Woh are you?
Ohw are you??
Her: i think you have the pootra syndrome

by Ma naem jeff January 14, 2018