Source Code

strong bad

A crazy little man that always says crap and always cheats. But Homestarrunner and the others are to stupid to realize that he cheats.

Strong bad would say: hey strong mad let's cheat at the jumping jack contest,crap,crap,crap,crap,crap,crap.

by Bon Chez May 26, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

strong sad

he plays board games with board games and he's sad that he's flying

by jimmy mac August 24, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

creepin it strong

to be extremely creepy on purpose and make people, usually girls, uncomfortable. pretending to be quagmire from family guy is pretty standard.

examples: smelling someone's hair, making everything into a sexual innuendo, saying giggitygiggity and doing the quagmire head motion, standing in the corner at a party watching people, lurking on someone's myspace page...etc

"what the hell is he doing standing in the corner, not talking to anyone, wearing his aviators and drinking?"
"he is creepin it strong"

by xXxCReePCORexXx September 20, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Strong Island

A slang term for Portsmouth & Southsea in the UK. The city of Portsmouth (and the smaller town of Southsea) are in fact on an island, called Portsea Island. The name has been made famous on a range of T-Shirts available in Southsea which have the words "Southsea Bronx - Strong Island" on them.

Out-of-towner: I need somewhere cool to hang out!
Strong Islander: Get down here to the Strong Island and chill!

by mysteryg January 16, 2011

43๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Strong Bad

Satirical character on homestarrunner.com. Parodies every testosterone-driven egotistical legend-in-ones-own-mind sort of person. Alot of people talking crap about him, saying he cant draw, trogdor sucks...well, yeah...THATS THE FRIKIN POINT! He's a satire! If you're too stupid to pick up on that...just stick your prick in a lightsocket allready cuz the world has enough knuckle-dragging morons...

"girls, line up on my left for make-outs! Guys, line up on the right for high-fives!"

by DammitJim September 12, 2003

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strong bad

One who is "freakin awesome" or "crapfully good"

by Anonymous April 14, 2003

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Strong Bad


hey, people who say he's not funny..if he's so terrible, why are you reading his emails?

by *tweak* October 3, 2003

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