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jojo technique

The technique of running away so fast that you manage to outrun a stone mask enhanced hamon user so that your grandfather's best friend survives after a 7 foot tall man with long as fuck hair tries to kill humanity.

"My ultimate technique"
"Oh no..... it can't be the one I'm thinking of... please say it's not"
"Not the Jojo technique"

by Jutora Cooju August 16, 2020

Tip Technique

When a male takes a photo of his penis, but only shows the tip of his penis.

Aaron: “bro how do end up getting so many girls?”

Chris: “I use the tip technique

by The Sandy Clydesdale July 13, 2023

Peanut butter technique

A fishing technique where you put peanut butter on your toe and you put it where the fishes are most likely populated.

Im using the “peanut butter technique

by Healthy alex July 13, 2022

Nicole Simpson Technique

The perfected way of cutting up white meat without any negative consequences

The Nicole Simpson Technique taught by OJ Simpson guarantees an opportunity to cut up a white woman and getting acquitted by the black jury. Money back guarantee

by queensburykid April 12, 2024


A portmanteau of technology and antiquity. Techniquity is used to refer to technological antiques, especially those no longer in use or circulation. It can also be applied to periods of time.

The Atari 2600 is a techniquity.

Most of the so-called revolutionary technological inventions of the 1980s would be considered techniquities by today's standards.

by Zweihander-FA September 18, 2009

Ice Technique

First, you take 4 ice cubes. For a male, you would first shove one up your ass then put two on your testicles, then put one on your "tip" then let it all melt.

For females, take one ice cube then shove it up your ass, then put 2 in your vagina, then finally shove one down your throat.

Wanna see me perform my ice technique? *epicly takes out 4 ice cubes*

by Xxboomer4daysxX July 24, 2020

Alawsi-Radice's technique

The act to intervene during a class with the only specific intention of filling up the time and avoid that the professor may be able to ask questions or change topic.

"Damn, we still have 45 minutes?!"

"Don't worry, I read a couple of papers vaguely connected to it, I'll use the Alawsi-Radice's technique"

by HungerArchaeologist January 18, 2024