It basically means that you have a crush on technology...
Man 1: Wow that smart board be looking hot today. I should ask it out
Man 2:Why am I here?
Other man: Ya, he's techno sexual he has a crush on that smart board
Rapper from south africa that's linked with Ayype, a fye producer
He met a fye producer he thinks he Techno X
Upset; frustration due to electronic or technological failure.
Arg! The printer isn't printing and I have a paper due, I don't need this techno stress right now.
Spanish way of describing a type of hard techno.
The word “zapatilla” means shoe, and the origin of the term comes from burning the shoe's sole in the result of all the hours dancing hard in the club.
Pedazo de musicon que metían hoy en el Fabrik macho, techno zapatilla puro.
A random attack involving the Youtuber Technoblade, particularly targeting orphans
Time to find some orphans, TECHNO-ATTACK
The glare on one's face from looking at a device such as an iphone in a darkened public place such as a bar or restaurant.
The techno glare coming off his face made him look like a modern day Jesus.
A "techno-milker" is a person who makes videos on the death of Technoblade or clickbaits using some form of Technoblade in order to maximize likes, subs, and, most importantly, money. Techno-milkers will go into comment sections to lead people to their channels and videos. The channels who promote the videos/channels can be bots, or an actual human. Techno-milkers are, in the most part, greatly disliked by the community because they milk someone's death.
The fact that these Techno-milkers have no shame in what they do disgusts me.