This attack is made by terrorist or a wannabe terrorist who can't drive a motor vehicle if their lives depend on it.
Vehicular terrorism is the most dumbest thing a terrorist ever pulled!!!!
Selecting everything on your desktop, pressing 'Ctrl-A + Enter'. This will in turn open up every single program, document and file stored on your desktop.
I've been hit by an act of Desktop Terrorism!! NOOO BSOD D:<
1. A poop so viscous as cause one to terrify their anus, their everlasting spirit, their decimated innards and similar effects to all within the vicinity.
2. The opposite to love, if love was feces.
3. The worst theme park ride ever.
As soon as i dropped the log of terror, the seasons began to change. As did my marriage.
It means Scare Killer also known as Clown or Jester
Cain-A son of adam and eve who killed much of the population of the early world
That kid in our english class is such a Terror Cain
Terrorists search internet sites like Twitter and Facebook for individuals who are angry and dissatisfied with their lives. They reach out and try to convince them to commit terrorist acts. terrorist, jihad, radicalism, Facebook, Twitter, internet, war on terror, FBI, ATF, police, hostage, victims, active shooter, perpetrator, suspect, shooter, bomb, explosion
Someone friended me on Facebook and started talking about how America was evil and I should disrupt the system. I think it was some lunatic terror fishing.
Crazed Terror is a zombie, usually after your brains, and on msn messaging you Iron Maiden songs
Crazed Terror 0wnz
a force to be reconed with, to lose ones mind and only see the color red, beyond help, to be touched by evil and fueled by satan, a state of mind induced by alcohol and marijuana
Last nights pary was crimson terror