An Amazon shopper's discombobulation when they try to shop for an ITEM to purchase at and discover that they are expected to put an item in their CART BEFORE they are ready to purchase it and BEFORE they know for sure what it's PRICE is, but that it's not a problem BECAUSE they can remove it LATER only to find that: NO they don't want it and now have to go and REMOVE it first. It's like as if ELON MUSK was putting TWITTER in his CART and then having to remove it when he comes to his SENSES and starts to have that nauseous feeling about the purchase.
My friend suffered acute Amazonitis when he realized that he had purchased 24 bras for his girlfriend, when he failed to remove the previous 18 bras from his cart while a telemarketer interrupted his purchase order.
A racist term for a South American Latino, Especially those from Ecuador and Peru.
Kevin: "Hey are you going to Ecuador this Summer?"
Dylan: "I was but I don't want to be around those dirty Amazon Spics."
The Amazons were a Ancient Greek tribe of primarily women. In fact, any males they gave birth to where put with the recycling. A person referred to as a Lady Amazon is referred as a motherly person, protects people on her side, but you would run and hide if you where her foe.
My boss is a definet Lady Amazon. Not even the CEO could stand her down!
When you wake up in the morning and have no idea what you bought last night in Amazon and regret half of it once you find out.
The Amazon hangover is real. I spent over $100 last night
Someone who is prepared to abandon their principles to save 49p on a book / CD / dvd / Joseph Joseph stacking utensil set
Steve's always banging on about workers' rights but he's an amazon socialist when it comes to deciding where to buy the new Billy Bragg album
Music streaming platform founded by, Inc.
I'm going to listen to Amazon Music.
When you work for Amazon and they force you and all the other employees to celebrate being the lowest cost center. While they cut all overtime, that employees all count on , so the Site lead can get a huge bonus.
Hey man, I have to get a second job to feed my kids because of this lovely Amazon Bonus Plan!