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Cathy Bates from Misery

To drag down a loved one for your own personal gain, as did Cathy Bates in the movie "Misery".

Damn girl, you told Ben you were pregnant so he'd stay with you? That's some straight up Cathy Bates from Misery shit!

by 0/0\0 July 16, 2008

bate bay body bashers

2017 whomp off Australia champions. A bodysurfing club based in the bate Bay Area of Cronulla that do weekly meet ups every Sunday at 7:30am

Let’s go to gate 8 and bodysurf with the bate bay body bashers this Sunday

by Corey sainsbury November 20, 2018

I fuckin' bate ya, roit?

The sentence most commonly uttered by knackers. Translated, it probably means something like: "I am going to fucking punch and kick you repeatedly, and if you try to resist, I'll stab you with my screwdriver, then steal your clothes and sell them in Clara Market, is that okay?" Usually results in the knacker in question getting beat, then running off into the distance shouting "I get me brudder after ya". In many cases, the "brudder" (brother) is also the "fadder" (father).

Knacker (to Passer-By): Howya boss, gizza fiver for me fuckin' Christmas tree, will ya?"
Passer-By: Eh, that's a thorn bush, it's got a trolly stuck in it, and it's the middle of June.
Knacker: You fuckin' shlaggin' my fuckin' Christmas tree, are ya? I fuckin' bate ya, roit?

by Me McMe September 23, 2005

31👍 13👎

Blake Bates The Big Chi Hoto

This dude exceeds all levels of gay.

Blake Bates the Big Chi Hoto? That’s Pretty Gay

by Takashi Is Your Dad January 21, 2019


When two people masturbate synergistically.

Me and my buddy was co-bating and a friend walk in on us.

by Co-Bater cliff May 16, 2021

click bate

When you get those annoying messages all day long, usually one liners, sometimes more. From a number you've never heard of, so you have to open it, and is written in such away that makes you want to respond WHEN YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDNT.

(It's usually a scam.)

Dean: "Did you get any more annoying messages last night?"
Marv: "Yeah. A one liner from qn unknown number said, "Hey do you want me to get it?""
Dean: "What happened?"
Marv: " I said you figure it out". And I clicked. "

Marv: " II was "CLICK BATE"".

by Livies2021 June 23, 2021

Ray Bate

Ray Bate is rhyming slang to "hate".

I Ray Bate him.

by Timbo007 April 26, 2011