1.A pompous looking hairdo which resembles a swirley pile of soft-serve poo.
2.A bicep curl which utilizes a log of shit.
"Look at that rockabilly dufus's shit curl doo"
"Yo bro, I did 106 shit curls today in the gym's bathroom!"
"Coconut curling" is a local hillbilly name for the common game Crokinoke.t The term Coconut Curling refers to the cookies the word Crokinole originated from. The word was originally "croquignole", which soon actually became a reference to French doughnut like pastries. Eventually, later on, when coconut became more available, croquignole referred to french coconut biscuits. This term is used by few people, mainly decedent's of those in the 1860s who played Crokinole in Dordogne, France. This is an informal, technically incorrect, widley unrecongnized term.
"I played Coconut Curling last Tuesday with Phil and Dave"
Girls hair wrapped around your dick
Sure gave me a blowjob, I'm still pulling off her banana curls
Kids who are being treated like a curling stone by their parents. Absolutely useless!
You: “Kids in this generation dont even know how to pour a glass of water for themselves”
Me: Aaah, these curling kids man!
A woman who you matched with on Tinder who thinks that curling is a good Olympic sport. Used pejoratively
Guy 1: That Emily chick you’ve been talking to is kinda cute
Guy 2: Yeah but unfortunately she’s a total Curling Gal
When curls are formed in your hair from sweating. Pretty simple.
Look Jonna, you have sweat curls!
A regent twist on a classic pet
Person A: What’s an American curl?
Person B: A regular cat but with cool ears