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A really kind,intelligent person who has a great sense of humour and even though his singing is worse then Donald trump becoming president in 2016 his kindness is amazing.

Person one: hey harry
Harry: hey hope your doing anything

Person one : im OK thanks what about you ? Your so nice.

by What is love ? December 18, 2019

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Harry is a small kid and doesn't necessarily care about being bullied. Acts like a nerd but is not very smart. He does not like being left out but when he does he lets you know by being the most annoying and frustrating person in the world. Usually cries alone. A harry usually also like the same girl for 2 years despite being rejected one billion times. Also he has the most tiniest dick ever and he also has fantapubes which most girls dont like. also cant keep a secret

Boy 1: See Alex well he just asked out eliza and she said no
Boy 2: What!! Thats like the 100th time in 2 years and he has a tiny dick
Harry is so bad

by Stalkrdood May 9, 2016

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a big, cheesy, sweaty, fat, gay teen. The kinda guy who sits in class eating and staring at people while shoving a hotdog down his throat

guy1: who's that fat guy?

guy2: oh him, that's Harris

guy1: oh, i understand now

by morgz mum February 16, 2019

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A HORRIBLE person. Someone who wants to fight someone but will get battered by anyone who he picks a fight with. Is way to cocky and has the cheek to call others cocky. A wee skinny bastard and just breaks up friendships.

Harris is such a fanny.

by You'llNeverKnΕ“ October 17, 2018

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1.The hottest man that has stepped on the face of the earth.
2.Has a huge tool in his pants.
3.The strongest but quitest.Every girl will fall for him a soon as they see him.
He has a large genitals,also he who is excellent in bed.

"I met a sexy Harris today. He was unbelievable i

by Defininer December 17, 2017

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n. Eldest sister, commonly known as the unknown Harry.
n. Oldest twin sister, commonly known as eldest twin.
n. Youngest twin sister, commonly known as the one who fell on her face in that one home video.
n. Littlest sister, commonly known as the one who shakes her rump like Beyonce and who spills on her shirt, or as Baby Harry.

"Ohhhh, those Harringtons sisters. Those Harries."

by Janet P. January 8, 2008

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A stick man comic book character created by A. Gwynne, E. Smith-Mitchell and J. Somers in 1994. Harry's sole purpose is that he lives to die, and rather comically. He also has a trusty mule companion that sometimes features mechanically.

Harry Learn's to Fly (continued)...

Here is Harry's body being ripped into little morsels as he tumbles down the cliff insert suitable comic sketch. Here is Harry's mule, whick looks more like a llama than a mule, laughing at Harry. The mule is being very reprobative today insert suitable comic sketch. Here is Harry lying on the ground in many small segments insert suitable comic sketch. To be continued...

by Wowee! March 3, 2011

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