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questionably gay

When someone gives off homosexual vibes but your still not sure if they are actually gay.

I think Katie and Jack would go well together if Jack wasn't questionably gay.

by _somedoot_ September 19, 2018

Lindsay Question

a question that you can figure out yourself or is just common sense

Are elephants animals?
That was a Lindsay Question

by Heyÿyÿÿ_ November 5, 2020

Retardicle Question

When someone asks a rhetorical question so stupidly obvious that by the time they've finished asking it, they've already answered it.

Nick rang me this morning and asked yet another retardicle question. Needless to say, he felt stupid after that.

by iDazign January 25, 2018

Noob Question

A simple-minded question about internet functions that are mechanically simple or require little to no technical prowess to accomplish.

Person 1: Noob question, how do I post in this forum?
Person 2: Click on the "new post" link in the top right!

by Erk Gloom May 24, 2018

Existential question

If you’re 1 inch deep in to your mom and your dad is 1 inch deep into you which way do you move to get out forwards or backwards?

You wanna hear an existential question
Oh I alredy heard and I wanna go back and fourth 69 times

by Sofa king hot March 5, 2021

carrion question

(n.) A question intended to gauge the life expectancy of a relationship that vaguely insinuates wishes for its end.

Carrion Questions:

How's your boyfriend?
Did he bring you flowers for your show?
Where are you going on your date?
What did he get you for Valentine's Day?

by Samson III October 17, 2006

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A statement said in the form of a question.

For instance: "You're retarded" would be said like "You're retarded?".

Person 1: I was so surprised when I found out she was actually a guy.

Person 2: You're retarded? She had a beard, and a boner the whole time.


by Phreddyddy August 19, 2008

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