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Cordell Effect

When a really smart student tutors a portion of the class and raises the exam average such that the mean grade shifts, making it more difficult for the rest of the class to get ahead of the curve.

Cordell helped eight of his friends understand difficult concepts and get high grades on exams, making the test average significantly higher than the previous year, resulting in the Cordell Effect.

by Not Mr Cool Guy November 13, 2018

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Alerhand Effect

n. In Mario Kart 64, when one player pulls ahead from the rest, while the remaining three, rather than catching up with the leader, end up shooting each other with shells, thereby causing the leader to extend his lead.

Oh, I slipped on that skeeted banana and now you've got mad Alerhand Effect going.

Steve just came into the game. You know he's going to get the Alerhand Effect right off the get go.

by Ollie (ISS GON RAIN) April 16, 2007

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ASWRB Effect

The leegloping of a server na dat aswrb joined

deze server is dood door het aswrb effect

by padenuki June 21, 2019

Furby Effect


The resulting conversation between two people with artificial, little or no intelligence. While it may seem like a normal conversation from afar, it actually makes little or no sense. Usually had between people who are convinced of their own intelligence, but in fact, have no clue.

A Furby (plural Furbys or Furbies) was a popular electronic toy released in 1998 with apparent "artificial intelligence" (AI). The toys were designed to interact with kids by speaking and responding to voices. The Furbies start out speaking entirely Furbish, a nonsense language with short words, simple syllables, and various other sounds. The Furbies are programmed to speak less Furbish as they learn more English over time.

When two Furbies were placed next to each other, they would respond to each other's speech. Because Furbies have no actual or inherent intelligence, one Furby merely responds to the other's noises with their own limited language. Over time this deteriorates into nonsense, hence "the furby effect".

Boss: So I've had a discussion with the project manager, and we both agreed you should have a larger part in this project
You: (Not happy about this decision made without your consent) Furby Effect!

Andrew: Did you hear the debate last night between Gillard and Abbott?
Migs: Yeah. They started off discussing their stands on asylum seekers. Then it went downhill, political mudslinging and criticizing dress sense....
Andrew: Yeah, politicians are prone to the Furby effect...

Grace: So I had this really deep conversation with Claire at the party last night, we talked about some pretty serious issues facing youth today...
Zones: Woman, you were both so drunk and stoned nobody at the party could understand what either of you were saying. Furby effect in action, baby.

by migzonian November 4, 2010

luty effect

The presence of a gay friend makes everyone gayer.

"Dude I'm not gay but I think I wanna suck your dick." "Dammit, Luty effect ."

by Destroya V February 1, 2018

labyrinth effect

1. When you think something isn't is like that but it's not

Max: "What? Isn't there 3 parts?"
Chad: "No there's only 2, you're having a labyrinth effect"

by Maxwell_Edison September 7, 2021

Shoe effect

The effect which makes a person to change his/her sleep routine for someone he/she loves

I like her, I am afraid that I might get "Shoe effect"

by monkey_donkey May 14, 2019