Someone who is crazy. Has no boundaries. They eat everyone’s food and they aren’t ashamed. The legacy she left at Phoebe Hearst was “uh oh pear” and to block someone if they annoy you.
OMG look at pear she’s so fat lmaoo.
a pear is a green (can be red) and is a pretty nice fruit that you eat.
Can you give me a pear
Friend* Sure, they are great, i'll take one too.
A very homosexual fruit, but apples are better anyways
Apples are better than a Pear
1. A pun with the word pair.
2. The culmination of the old adage; a pickle and a bead make a pear.
The orgins of the pear are unknown. The earliest know usage was in the 8th century in England where a naturalist by the name of Eli Gregory noted the curious behavior of a bear and a pickle.
Gregory, E 888 AD " There I was on a nob hill watching a bear eat a pickle, I was fascinated by the veracity and fervor the bear displayed while consuming the pickle. Moments later I witnessed, to my surprise, the bear shat out a fully mature pear. My eyes widened as I noticed the pear was completely clean and free of scat. Leaf and stem were intact. I though to myself a pickle and a bear make a pear. As I proceeded to say this aloud a passerby asked me what I was murmuring. To which I replied a pickle and a bear make a pear."
It is used in place of two peas from the same pod and torn from the same cloth when two things are more unlike eachother but create a perfect pair together.
Hey have you seen those two together?
Yeah , I don't understand how that is, they are two completely different people.
Well you know what they say, a pickle n a bear make a pear.