The Superhero of all Superheros. They call him the woman flytrap.
Its a bird, Its a plane, ITS SUPER RIZZ!!!
When you rizz someone up just nonconsensual.
Big Chimichanga Man: Ooohh, check out that girl over there. I'm gonna use the forbidden rizz technique, THE FORCEFUL RIZZ!
Binklebingchillingman687: DAWG, THAT'S A 12 YEAR OLD-
Rizz so pure and primal that it can't be classified or its origins, traced. This is the most ultimate form of rizz.
She was born with unknown rizz.
The definition of rizzing someone up with sussiness. Forms of sussiness include: Whipping out your cock and shaking your ass.
Trap rizz is the act of pretending to go along with someone's rizz to keep them trapped, I.E you pretend to like them so they don't leave
Dude, she's totally just trap rizzing him
To define an extreme amount of well used rizz, to the point you want to smash the person rizzing you up.
Is used to exaggerate having rizz and being rizzful.
Can be used to describe a romantic action done smoothly/hotly
Norman: *does something extremely hot*
Leighton: You have smashing rizz.
when the homies try to rizz up your girl for you
Amelia: Ya'll suck at rizzing
Jah'Rond: Tell her you want to lick her dry
Jackson: Letme rizz her on my own, Stop backseat rizzing!