When you're talking about someone and they immediately call or show up where you're at, almost as if they knew you were talking about them.
Jesse: "I hate my fucking parents, they are such bitches..."
*Ring Ring*
Justin: "Dude, they're calling your phone right now!!"
Jesse: "Damn, I talked them up."
Clapping them cheeks from the back
I was getting them cheeks on Saturday
Bust them knockers is an English slang way to say Shake them tits.
"Oh yeah baby, bust them knockers"
Doing dirt in the hood but livin in the burbz.
(aka Selling drugs)
"I'm on the grind, movin them cupcakes"
-Fat Joe
The act of avoiding social interaction with strangers on the street - particularly chuggers - by pretending you are from another country & don't speak English.
Chugger: "Hello mate!!! Have you got a minute?!"
You, continuing walking & giving them the Boris: "Ja n'ya comprendé vous. Ich bin sorry, tovarisch..."
to engage in sexual intercourse
dude, i'm going to rock them boots today, hella excited to get some again.
going through the bother of having to wait until your sad hiccups end,,,,,,pretty much like everything else in your life :)
coined by himar✨
the great khali: maaan, i have hiccups :///
john cena: ooof, you're just gonna have to hicc them up