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Hot Cocoa Therapy

The act of snuggling under a blanket and hiding from the cold by nurturing a mug of hot cocoa as the name implies. Practiced by many who suffer from Cold Anxiety.

Clay: Hey Becca! Wanna go build a snowman?
Becca: Fuck that shit Clay! I'm staying here and enjoying some Hot Cocoa Therapy! Fuck you and your snow man too!

by WeebabySeamus October 5, 2011

Virtual Murder Therapy

The act of killing virtual enemies (humanoid or otherwise) in a video game as a means of relieving stress. Does not necessarily indicate violent tendencies in the practicioner. Abbreviated VMT.

I'm playing some Call of Duty. It was a rough day and I need some virtual murder therapy.

by Sulagar April 14, 2011

Wind Therapy

A term dbags use to describe going on a motorcycle ride.

Johnny and I are going to ride our Harley's to get some wind therapy.

by Wolf Johnson May 31, 2019

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ice cream therapy

when someone, usually a girl, is sad over heartbreak or life being shitty, they eat ice cream without caring if it gets them fat because it makes them feel better for a bit

She fucked a guy but realized it was a huge mistake, so she went home and treated herself to some ice cream therapy.

by just some kiddo12345678 November 13, 2010

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Therapy Session(s)

Time spent with your friends conversating and discussing all aspects of life while partaking in the consumption of specific illicit substances for extended periods of time, See also Crackhead Sundays.

Jeff really needed his therapy session(s) this weekend since spending time sober in the suburbs has made him feel confined and restricted beyond his control.

by The Little Justice League December 30, 2010

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gender exploratory therapy

Yet another incarnation of conversion therapy. It is meant to slow down your transition and to convince you that you are actually not trans. Their "clients" (actually victims) are children and teenagers of TERFy parents that often consent to "therapy" only because they would otherwise be taken away to wilderness or locked down somewhere far from civilization.

Not only they fail to provide any evidence supporting their approach, they also get gender-affirming care but also their organization, Gender Exploratory Therapy Association, use a language that gives away their anti-trans intentions.

All practitioners of gender exploratory therapy should go to jail for their actions. They only care about money and nothing else.

by Exdetransitioner June 9, 2022

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chest physical therapy

1. Something that every cystic fibrosis has to do. It helps loosen the thick mucus in their lungs. If cystic fibrosis patients miss their chest physical therapy they can get sick! Cystic fibrosis patients have to do this numerous times a day, about 2-4 times a day usually 30 minutes each time.

2. It is also called by many CF patients: pounding or beating

1. Cystic fibrosis patients have to do chest physical therapy to loosen mucus in their lungs.
2. I gotta go get a pounding to clear my lungs!

by Sixtyfiveroses February 26, 2012

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