A series of books, and now motion pictures, that are very popular among pre-teens (with the occasional actual teenage GIRL). It tells the story of a misunderstood "vegetarian" vampire and the new girl in school and their oh so tragic love story. The character of Bella (new girl in school) has little to no personality which is most likely the literary device that made it so addicting to young women. These love starved girls can very easily put themselves into the place of
Bella because there is very little know about her that readers need to remove from their minds. Edward (misunderstood vampire...who sparkles) is portrayed as the "perfect man" in every aspect possible, however the writer fails to actually expand on all the reasons he is so very "god-like". There is no actual plot until about the last 70 pages so the rest is used to convince young girls to toss aside all other men that do not live up to the standard they have created for Edward Cullen in their mind.
Boy to Twilight reading Girl: Hey i was wondering if you would like to go out some time.
Twilight reading Girl: Do you sparkle?
Boy: Excuse me?
Twilight reading Girl: You heard me. Do you sparkle?
Boy: Um no...
Twilight reading Girl: Will you let me call you Edward?
Boy: But my name is...
Twilight reading Girl: I don't even care just leave. (whispers to friends) god what a loser!
Hint: Twilight reading Girl need to take a look in the mirror
an extremely annoying group of fags that obsess and need to get over that stupid book/ movie
it isn't real....you will never meet any of the twilight characters (and no going to that much show and getting 50 yards away from them does not count as meeting them you idiots) nor will you ever have a chance with them not to mention marrying them
all the actors in the movie are terrible and hideous.
the book is fictional, and if you understand what that means it means not REAL
it gets freaking irritating after like 5 minutes of you talking about it.
so stop and shut up about it.
Vampires are not real, never will be existant and you obviously wont meet one.
jeez, I hate twilighters...
-yeah they are so unrealistic
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An overpriced piece of toilet paper.
Person- "oh, crap! I'm out of toilet paper! oh well, I'll use my sister's Twilight book."
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a depressed girl who cannot decide weather to screw a dead man or a dog
Bella + vampire=twilight???
Bella + werewolf=twilight???
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Biggest fucking mistake ever.
It's a book series by Stephenie Meyer.
You're a Twilight! I knew we should have used protection.
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The world's most elaborate and cunningly crafted Mormon advertising campaign against pre-marital sex
Stephanie Meyer, author of Twilight, told me it is wrong to have sex before marriage, therefore it must be true
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A multi-billion dollar producing franchise that is frequently given incredibly negative feedback regardless of it's success.
Common negative feedback; "Edward is pale, hence, ugly," (Robert Pattinson has been named Sexiest Man Alive for the past five years)
"Kristen Stewart has no emotions" (No one will ever acknowledge her beautiful smile after that label had been made)
"They totally changed the image of vampires!" (Hence, the success. Originality is key.)
"They sparkle!" (Back to the originality argument. These are not regular vampires.)
"There's no plot," (Right. Obviously not, that's why there's a James and a Volturi and a Jacob Black and a Renesmee,)
Truth be told, narrow-mindedness has shown no mercy on this franchise.
Girl 1: "Ugh! I fucking hate Twilight!"
Girl 2: "Why is that?"
Girl 1: "Because there's no plot and Edward's so ugly!"
Girl 2: "Have you read it?"
Girl 1: "Yes,"
Girl 2: "Did you hate from before you read it?"
Girl 1: "Well yeah,"
Girl 2: "Well there you fucking go you biased ignoramus,"
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