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Underground dog

Coined by a member of Solar Cartel Ltd, an "underground dog" refers to a shady, cool individual reminiscent of iconic criminals like Al Capone. This term describes someone who exudes an air of mystery and edginess, operating in the shadows and involved in activities outside the law. The "underground dog" is known for their enigmatic charm and unconventional style, making them effortlessly cool, albeit in a dubious and underground manner.

"Watch out for that guy; he's like an underground dog, walking the line between the law and the underworld with ease."

by admiraldinonuggies August 1, 2023

Fluttertone Underground

Is the Main Promoter of Scangeire Rap in Irelands Dublin Fair City,main artists are Mongoose Recycled Zone and Wilde Masked Brigade

Come to my gig its been promoted by Fluttertone underground,Class Man,I better wear my nike tracksuit.

by Colin Daggers November 25, 2020

Underground Boxing

boxing that partakes underground that's not mainstream for the fame and glory and doesn't seek for popularity

"aye bro you trynna go to the boxing match?"

"which one?"

"its underground boxing bro you wouldn't know but its going to be sick asf"

by idkbroicantcomeupwithanything December 3, 2018

Underground Aristocracy

It is a secret philosophical movement to confront the system and the establishment to restore the aristocracy to the status quo.

It is against the Modern State and the Liberal Bourgeois State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, LGBT rights, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion. He is skeptical of technology, organized religions and the economy.

Underground Aristocracy is the beginning of the reconquest. Unlike contemporary think-tanks, it is focused on praxis.

by tradical September 7, 2022

Underground Bunker Vibes

Talking about having sexual intercourse in an underground bomb shelter

Friend: How’s things with your the girl your talking to
You: Well she’s giving off Underground Bunker Vibes

by Hbnbs March 26, 2020

Netflix underground

Watching unknown, hidden gems on Netflix. The type that wasn't in theaters but is highly relatable, fucked up, and funny.

"What's your Sunday looking like right now?"

"Just laying on the couch hungover. Probably watching some Netflix underground involving sex, drugs, and regret. Basically my night last night,"

"OMG I'm coming over. I found Strictly Sexual. Total Netflix underground gem."

by Blondentourage April 21, 2016

Underground Maleroad

Any college dorm basement that is recognized as an all male floor. Originated in Drake University's Herriott Hall.

"I got lost in the underground maleroad last night and had to sleep in a bathroom."

by doors_ September 9, 2013