An incredible amount of nutty flavored semen.
I'm from Jersey, wanna walnut blast my engine bay like a bunch of Christian Brothers?
A group that is on Tik Tok. A cult that will take over.
When you proceed to teabag a sexual partner in the face until boredom occurs and then proceed to yell "FALCON PAWNCH!!!!" and hit them in their genitalia so hard that the sudden pain causes them to headbut you in the testicles. Therefore, lolz for everyone
This walnut ripple me and shari made last night was awesome except my balls still hurt
The act of dipping your testicules into an individuals mouth to wet them, and then smearing the testicules across the forhead.
Loren and his friends from California used to love giving each other California Wet Walnuts
a disorder arising when an aging bachelor spends too much time alone and ends up being chatty to the point of annoyance.
I wish Uncle Schlomo would get laid already... every time I see him, it takes a half hour to extract myself...
he's got a bad case of Pauly Walnuts Syndrome!
The most beautiful the absolute perfection. Even if they think they are flawed they are only more beautiful to you. Someone put into your life someone you want to keep around
Oh my gosh she is a walnut on New Year's Eve!
No way you are insane how did you find one??
When you but so hard it tears a hole in your pants and fills your pocket
Boug pocket walnuted after 10 seconds.