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Golden Whale

The Act Of Urinating In The Anus Of Your Sexual Partner And Then Awaiting The Glorious Flatulence That Will Then Shoot The Urine In The Air Imitating The Blow Hole Of Most Whale Species

Friend 1 : “Yo man when my girl and I did the golden whale the piss got in my eye and gave me pink eye!”

Friend 2: “Bro What The Fuck”

by TheGoldenWhale August 12, 2021

Mud Whale

Typically a bloated RWD rally car with an $80 sticker running at the tail end of an ARA rally.

I'd rather be a Mud Whale than a Dirtfish.

by Mud Whale wrangler September 10, 2021


When your just having so much fun.

I’m just having a whale-of-a-time good sir.

by WhaleGirl April 19, 2021

Whale's Vagina

Nickname for the city of San Diego.

From: Anchorman

The Pats are about to blow out the Whale's Vagina Chargers.

by PatsFan January 11, 2007

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whale of a friend

an exceedingly kind, generous, caring, understanding and generally fantastic friend.

you're a whale of a friend.
great. so are you.

by potato - boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew March 28, 2007

17👍 3👎

Whale Slit

Usually referring to an African-American female's vagina. The pink vaginal lips against a dark-skinned back drop resemble a cut or slit that a whale may encounter from a run-in with a boat, poacher, etc.

Did you see that sister at the party last night? Her shorts were so high I could see her whale slit.

by Jimmy Drama July 21, 2008

17👍 3👎

Dead Whale

Dead Whaling started in San Antonio, Texas, and has been compared to a spastic version of Planking or The Worm. To successfully do the Dead Whale, one must lay down on their stomach with their hands by their sides and begin a series of spastic seizure-like motions using the chest to gain lift.

Concerned Citizen: "OMG! Is that boy having a seizure!?"

Person Filming: "No you moron, he's doing the Dead Whale!"

by Diabeto CISA August 1, 2011

30👍 7👎