Free-writing by turning off the monitor of the computer and typing your stream of consciousness in order to eliminate criticism as you write.
I'm black-monitor writing a paper for English class.
A magazine, newspaper, or newsletter article that overtly is about one topic, but analysis reveals is covertly about a different topic mentioned tangentially, but persistently to get the readers to feel, think, and act in specific ways.
disguised agenda writings
Leslie P.N. Cheatin Standin, founder of the Live Perfectly Here Now facebook group is suing her mobile device's manufacturer in Harmonious Rhythmic Gluteal Impact Ejaculation Court to get that court to order his Internet Service Provider and his mobile device's manufacturer to stop regularly interfering with and sabotaging some of the actions she attempts to execute on her mobile device.
In the preceding 4-years, she has logged in her journal almost every instance of that type of interference. Last night, for ample ex-PAM-ple, she made an audio-recording on her mobile device and playing it back heard how in some parts the audio was perfect, but in other parts was less audible or inaudible. Differences which she believes were activated remotely.
In court, the accused said it was a practical joke and pleaded NOLO CONTENDERE to the charge of REMOTELY INTERFERING WITH A CUSTOMER'S ELECTRONIC ACTIVITY. What does that have to do with "disguised agenda writings"?
Another way of saying, "Got fired and can't find a damn job"; almost exclusively used by Ivy League douchebags
"What's he up to?"
"His boss told him to get the hell out, so now he's on a "Writing Sabbatical" collecting unemployment.
Just base it on the Urban Dictionary guy
Hym "How to write a terrifying villain? Oh, geezers, I wouldn't know..."
The thing that pops up when you make a definition on Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary: Please review Urban Dictionary’s content guidelines before writing your definition. Here’s the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
Me: ait bet imma make a definition of this
A phrase used to discredit someone's ideas or beliefs.
Cobalt: Have you heard? Worms living in our brain are making us drink unhealthy amounts of water!
Cyan: Oh, how amazing.
You should write a novel.
To be chiefing through copious amounts of ones dab pen.
To be burning the candle through the night.
The link here is between a dab "pen" and a standard pen, which is (normally) used to write.
The metaphor continues as a normal pen may be used to write a paragraph, which is why to this day we say Writing a paragraph.
Friend 1: Takes back to back to back to back... to back rips of the pen followed by a double ripski to cap it off.
Friend 2: Man that guy is writing a paragraph.
Friend 3: Totally