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Zoe Laverne

An untalented clown. Unlike some people who (yes those who look attractive to the general public as well)make tik toks generally thought of as clever or with good senses of humor and get famous from that, Zoe gets famous simply by being quiet and doing random "dances". She's apparently racist, was once a cheater(although people change over time), manipulated and tried framing the same guy who she cheated on, groomed a child, and wants to use violence because she needs to prove she's "better"than Charli D'amelio.

Zoe Laverne tried grooming a child. She's a total mental headcase who has an egotistical god complex and cheats. What a waste.

by Necrozma Beam November 14, 2020

Zoe laverne

Zoe laverne is someone hwo cares about her fandom and loves every single one of use even if we switch fandom she will always remember us as her forever fan. She tried noticing everyone but she has over 1000+ fps and i love her so much.

Someone : zoe laverne is a cheater she cheated on cody shes a clown🤡
Me: well atleast she learned from her mistakes and now shes a good person, noone deserve to be called a clown

by Lqvernesbby January 21, 2020

Zoe Laverne

Yes, Zoe did bad things in the past. 1. Cheated on Cody; that is true and that mistake will haunt her forever (she even said it) 2. Vapes; Zoe did vape but she stopped because she knew she was ruining her lungs. 3. Said the nword; Zoe did not say the nword, Cody said that she says it a lot but he said that because Zoe cheated on him and he was hurt. There are many other things but we have to focus on positivity, Zoe is a grown up woman now and she can decide what she wants to do. Like her or not.

Person: Is that Zoe Laverne? I thought she vapes on live and does bad things.
Person 2: Yes that's Zoe, she learnt from her mistakes and she's trying to be a better person :)

by Gxldenlav on tiktok May 27, 2020

Zoe laverne

A sweet,loving,person (also really problematic) overall would do anything to protect the fandoms

Zoe Laverne: a nice sweet problematic gorgeous girl

by Teehee luvs😚✌️ September 18, 2020

Zoe Laverne

Zoe Laverne is known for saying the n word, crying on live, a groomer and many more. She is very familiar to be known as the “star of tiktok”. She is also obsessed with Charli D’amelio and Conner Joyce.

Who’s Zoe Laverne?
Oh her yeah, she’s a groomer.

by urstinkyself January 7, 2021

zoe laverne

Zoe laverne is a 19 year old who said the n word and vapes underage. she is racist and loves to kiss people half her age.

person 1: this girl lied about abuse
person 2: must have been zoe laverne.

by zoe laverne minor December 10, 2020

Zoe Laverne

Who is Zoe Laverne? Zoe Laverne is a beautiful tiktoker that makes videos daily!

Person1: who is Zoe Laverne?
Person2: A bad bitch or which you might say my “idol

by Sunshine..addibear (TIKTOK) September 19, 2020