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Scene kids are bright and neon. Wear skinny jeans and band tees. Scene gurls like cartoons or anime such as, Invader zim, Hello Kitty etc. Scene gurls hair usually covering a eye or short choppy bang to the side. Scene guys have long bangs covering a eye tight jeans and band tees. Music- hardcore,metal,death metal,rock, or punk. They dress like emos but more advanced, usually smexxi. Great cuTTe hair. lol. Some self conceited. Take lots of pix of themselves.

Scene gurl: Hey.

Scene boy:hey yur bright today.
Scene gurl: Always.

by Valentina Hormez May 24, 2010


A popular style that some teens describe as their "Lifestyle" some of them even think it's a religion. To be scene you MUST: chop your hair into a mullet, Dye it 1,000 different colors, straighten it all the time, Back comb the shit outta it, and then douse it in hairspray. You MUST wear obnoxious colored clothes and skinny jeans. And you must go on myspace about 1,000 times a day. You have to be "straightedge" but you still drink, smoke pot, and smoke cigs cuz that doesn't count. You also must have lots of piercings and dance like your having a fucking seizure. Oh, and your vegitarian or vegan because it's the cool thing to do these days. And you are usually really rude and not understanding of people who are not scene. Scene kids also spend like their entire lives on myspace commenting all their scene friends and taking "hardxcore" looking photos of themselves.

Scene Bitch: OH EMGEE! I Lyke Need To GEt SnakeBytes Lyke SOon! I NEed TO Look FXcking HAwt!

by UnicornLove February 26, 2009


A concept which trys to break the mold of "conformity".... this has innevitably backfired. As you can see in many urban places scene kids fester in swarms and are hard to tell apart because well.... they are all the same even guys and girls are usually indistinguisable.

in a feeble attempt to be different they start liking obscure things. but alas this will set a trend in motion through all scene kids making them look even more like clones.

In summary a group of people who try to be different and yet end up all exactly the same.

"was that scene kid a girl or guy"
"wats up with that kid" ... "im afraid he's scene"

by Dr-Sock June 26, 2009


Scene people are pretty much are a happy version of emo without the cutting. Scene means to be in the 'scene' and its pretty much just a fashion statement, not a personality. Scene kids usually have clhoppy hair. most of the time its long but it can be short, and it usually has a lot of different colors in it. They wear childish clothes. Colors are usually pink, purple, green, blue, and sometimes black or grey. most people don't realize that scene kids dont hate everyone, they only hate fakes and posers. They usually can see right past someones skin and they can see who they really are. They wear either skinny jeans or flair jeans depending on how it 'looks with their shoes' and most of the time they wear converse or flats.

'Dude she looked so scene!'
"I know you could tell because her hair had crazy colors!'

by Ally :) December 30, 2010


1. a group of kids, or clique that hang together in a certain area
2. the stereotypical term used to describe teens with long crazy hair, and piercings

goths, emos, jocks, nerds, preps, gangstas, greasers, ext.
any group can be considered a scene

to be scene means to be a part of one of a group

by crobo July 8, 2009


Try-hard twat. Scene guys enjoy wearing women's clothes and make-up. Take 1000000+ pics of themselves in one session and post 1000 of these pectures on MySpace; the rest are saved to computer to jack off to later.

At least the tight scene jeans keep them from reproducing..

by Nonaaa. May 4, 2009


well for one thing "scene" is not like most people describe it. Some people may be like the "douch bags" theyre said to be, but I am concidered "scene" or "emo" :/ and it's very insulting to me to read that "scene kids" think their better than everyone and all that shiz, yes i like dinosaurs so what?? I've been watching jurrasic park all my life! You saying i was a "scene kid" when i was 3?? xP Yeah that's right I wasn't. I looked like everyone, I acted a bit more shy but still. I'm super shy now. How does that make me a bitch or a slut or whore? Yes I've had sex..With ONE guy who I thought was the love of my life, I'm 17 that only happened this summer! I'm not friends with only "scene kids" I'm friends with preps and wangsters and people who don't even have a description!! Yes I make fun of preps sometimes but hey! They start it by calling me a little "emo" bitch! I don't understand it whatsoever.. So anyways, there's my point of view, if you disagree whatever, if you agree thanks :3

prep: stupid scene, emo bitch
me: wtf how am I emo or a bitch?!??? :S

by maryannerawwrs October 8, 2011