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international British accent day

✿ | 26 October

✿ | the day where everyone speaks in their best, fanciest British accent. even if it's mockery or inaccurate, who cares? let's appreciate our brits!

✿ | little conversational example:

“How do you celebrate international British accent day?”
“By making a British accent, duh!”
“How do you make the accent?”
“Google is exis’ing very fine, ol’ chap, I can’t be your Google forever...”
“Oh! I see”

by diinosaurr_ October 25, 2023

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Preachers Accent

When someone is screaming, raising their voice, and you can tell they are a preacher.

Damn, Mr Jackson Got Preachers Accent.

by dumbolovesdummy April 15, 2021

American accent

sounds so bad it makes you want to chop your ears off

American accents are like english if it was an inbred baby with downs syndrome. 99% of american accents make you want to kill yourself the second they open their mouth.

by thefogiscomingthefogiscoming March 30, 2022

Dubai Masala Accent

The kinda accent you associate with the indians in Dubai that don't really sound that indian, but also you can faintly hear the indian-ness when they speak, but its mixed with a sort of american accent. Unique to Dubai Indians who grew up in Dubai

Bro, you totally have a dubai masala accent.

by ittybittykittytitty May 27, 2021

thick american accent

Something Ken doesn't know

Karen said "hello" in a thick american accent to Ken. Ken did not understand.

by WsdWpb September 7, 2021

Preston accent

Basically a speech impediment to be perfectly honest

Yuck you have a Preston accent. Excuse me whilst my ears bleed

by March 19, 2024

Lushian Accent

1. What everybody has after their third or fourth vodka martini.
2. The slurred speach of a drunk or lush.

Dude! Maybe you should put down the Smirnoff. I can barely understand you through your Lushian Accent.

by SJ@24 July 6, 2010