it’s an imaginary person a tweep use to send gifts from themselves-to-themselves for the purpose of chasing clout and making other tweeps shout “God When”
Anon sent me 200k! I’m glad I replied my dm
A loosely organized group of Democrat and Never-Trump Republican voters, politicians, and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories such as the Russia Hoax, Jussie Smolett Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Covington Kids Hoax, and Brett Kavanaugh Hoax. Its adherents fervently believe, or at least pretend to believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm the Capitol any day now to "remove" lawmakers from office, hence the need for thousands of National Guard officers stationed there.
- "Did you hear they scrubbed Blue Anon off this website?"
- "Shh. It's Blew Anon."
The term "Blew Anon" is a counterpoint to the leftist penchant to classify all conservative conspiracy theories under the heading Q Anon, and gives a catch-all to all the wacky leftist theories that float about online.
After the purge of the term, many on Twitter started using it, liberally.
If you believe:
-DC is under military occupation because there are non-stop threats from Trump supporters.
-Joe Biden is the most popular American President of all time.
-Russia, Russia, Russia
The moniker Blew Anon coined by JackPosobiec is amazingly spot on!
A dictum asserting that the advocacy by a senior UK doctor for Physician Assistants (PAs) or Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) in preference to their own medical trainees invariably indicates a diversion of their clinical duties in favour of private practice. This principle is regarded as an unquestioned truth within certain circles, reflecting a strong conviction about the motivations and priorities of such doctors. Their motives are unearthed by anonymous accounts on social media
“Have you noticed how Dr. Thompson is always pushing for more PAs and ANPs, rather than helping us trainees?” asked Dr. Jones.
“Yeah, it’s like Anon’s Razor in action,” replied Dr. Lee, “He’s probably more focused on his private practice these days.”
superior surfer and overall better human being than Ryannitro9