A tik tok dance done by basic white girls.
Andrue is a autistic shuffle fanatic!
When you dab a ton or once when it's not 2016, and you think it's either okay or not.
"I autistically waved at people, because I'm cool..."
"Ew, don't be my friend anymore."
often describes little white boys who name there instagram jasonstar200.
he is autistic
A neurodevelopmental wiring of the brain. Some of the world's most successful people are autistic (Elon Musk, Alan Turing, (he was also gay!) Bill Gates), but bullshit 4chan users have turned it into a joke.
"Guy 1: Dude, why are you clumsy? Are you autistic?"
"Guy 2: One: yes, two: if you're saying that as an insult go shit yourself"