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madison mavericks

Shitty Booty ahhh team needs to be better only won against 2 sorry ahh teams went 2-8


“ You played for the shitty ahh Madison Mavericks?”

by Colton Eggleston February 13, 2025

Maverick Abbott

A Maverick constantly looks like he has a cock up his ass. He loves taking it either end and will happily swallow.

a stripper? Nah man, I'd rather find a Maverick Abbott.

by December 28, 2022

Goose and Maverick

Top gun friendship unrivalled and unbeaten in all of time.

Man, I love you so much, you’re the Goose to my Maverick!

Oh look, it’s Goose and Maverick at it again, those two are inseparable!

by Litty25 November 22, 2017

Maverick rescue

the unauthorized taking of a neglected dog so it can have a better life elsewhere.

They leave the dog out in all kinds of weather with no shelter and little food.
They won't give the dog up I hope the dog gets a Maverick rescue by a caring person.

by Thvillebear December 2, 2020

maverick d'buhrg

a little bi-sexual bitch who roots bulls up the ass every sunday and he says he can stay on for 8 seconds.he is so gay oh yeah and he roots his friend tyrell.

"hey mav
"go screw a goat

by george tony October 30, 2004

Junior Maverick

One who is not yet a maverick
aka. Curtis Schulze, James Caldow

Runkle: "You wanna see what Curt and Caldow are up to"
Sam Travers (THE Maverick): "who? junior maverick's 1 & 2? nah they are such kooks!!!!"

by maverick1691 March 3, 2012

Maverick Salute

Verb; A way of showing the utmost respect in the New England pipefitters community in the highest regard. Whilst one is driving their lifted Ford Superduty, they strip down to nothing and place a single tube sock over their erect penis. The cotton wrapped penis is then displayed proudly out the driver side window to adjacent traffic by lifting ones ass off the drivers seat while maintaining constant foot pressure to the gas peddle. Upon completion of the display the middle and pointer fingers are raised to the mouth in a "V" formation and the tongue is fluttered between both digits. A dramatic increase in pressure is then applied to the gas pedal as the truck approaches the speed of liberty and dissapears into the red, white, and blue yonder. The spectacle is guaranteed to bring a tear to ones eye, Chuck Norris to his knees, and moisture back to the driest of panties.

Mike's dad is going to get arrested giving those maverick salutes. Not only is it inappropriate, its downright reckless driving

by Lou_Sassel June 15, 2023