Beaner penis, better known as “Guacamole nigga penis”
A transman's clit growth from testosterone.
A beanis is permanent growth of the clit up to a few inches in length and can get erections. It is typically not able to penetrate until metoidioplasty surgery is done to help separate it from the labia.
Have you seen chey's beanis? I would love to suck that.
A transman's enlarged clit from HRT. Combination of the words bean and penis because it begins to get a shaft and and can get noticeable erections.
A transman's enlarged clit from taking testosterone. Sometimes also called bottom growth or a T-dick. A beanis is permanent growth of up to a few inches and can get erections like a penis.
Did you see Chey has a nice beanis? I'd love to suck that.
Baddie Beanie
The definition of Regina Hernandez Gomez, an amazing beautiful friend. She is kind and has a dog named Vin Vin. People say Baddie Beanies older sister Bestie Elisa is hot.
“Hey have you met that yummylicious babygworl?” “Oh are you talking about baddie beanie?” “YEAAHHHHH”
(Noun) bean·ie ba·by brat
/ˈbēnē/ /ˈbābē/ /brat/
1. A derogatory term for when you're younger sibling is being an absolute twat waffle.
2. When a younger sibling doesn't understand the hierarchy. (IE: Someone who is unable to comprehend thr birth rights of the much older and wiser sibling)
3.Gavyn with a Y instead of an I
"Wow Gavyn is being a beanie baby brat."