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to kill a knocked player in fortnight

"Dude just BMed me, your on your own now."
"Quick BM him, before he is revived."

by fostergloster121 February 13, 2018


BM is short for baby's mother or baby momma.

My BM be tripping.

by MonkMonkMcNeezy January 29, 2016


An acronym used for the term, “bowel movement”. A BM is the action of releasing waste from the insides of your intestines. Also known as pooping, shitting, deucing, dropping a fat one, etc.

Dang bro I should have eaten all that food, now I gotta take a BM in your grandmothers toilet.”

by Trident of Treason August 16, 2018


Short for " Baby Momma" and is most commonly used in texts and in twitted by urban youth.

This is Chris's BM, why u keep texting his phone?

by Pseudosquidward February 3, 2017


Brewing Mischief

Angela and the other brew crew members are BM in the brew crew gc

by Mikebikes March 10, 2022


Abbreviation for "Best Man", as per S01E20 of Brooklyn Nine-nine.

Charles: Will you be my BM?
Jake: Yesss!

by April 3, 2024


Babby momma, used when your attracted to a girl and you call her your babby momma

Damn she fine as hell, that's my BM

by L.Harris March 1, 2016