to kill a knocked player in fortnight
"Dude just BMed me, your on your own now."
"Quick BM him, before he is revived."
An acronym used for the term, “bowel movement”. A BM is the action of releasing waste from the insides of your intestines. Also known as pooping, shitting, deucing, dropping a fat one, etc.
“Dang bro I should have eaten all that food, now I gotta take a BM in your grandmothers toilet.”
Short for " Baby Momma" and is most commonly used in texts and in twitted by urban youth.
This is Chris's BM, why u keep texting his phone?
Abbreviation for "Best Man", as per S01E20 of Brooklyn Nine-nine.
Babby momma, used when your attracted to a girl and you call her your babby momma
Damn she fine as hell, that's my BM