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Captain SS

Also known as Rick Rea

Person 1: Dude look its gay rick

Person 2: No dude that Captain SS

Rick: *sobs* Now I have to go self suck myself

Person 1 & 2 : AHAHAHAHA

by Captain SS March 7, 2009

Captain Coupon

A friend/Acquaintance who frequently uses coupons to pay for items.

Henry: Lets go to McDonalds, I've got a voucher

Dave: Alright Captain Coupon!

by Bedford Bible Basher October 26, 2014

Captain's Anchor

When a man and woman are ass-to-ass (while on their backs) and they decide to put 1/2 of a string of anal beads in each others ass so that neither can leave. Then the male jerks off and just before he shoots his load in his partner's face he yells, "engage!" like Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Can also be done by a senior male on his female partner using his really saggy balls instead of anal beads.

Mike "Oh man, I had Jennifer over last night and gave her a Captain's Anchor!"

James "How was it?"

Mike "She was pretty pissed, and my ass is really sore today."

by Gordie1500 December 15, 2013

lane captain

The douchebag holding up traffic by driving under the speed limit - applies to any lane.

I wish this lane captain would get the f*ck outta my way.

by pipercat99 November 28, 2007

Captain Bettypants

Someone who likes to gamble alot.

Dockers at $4.20, what do you think of that Captain Bettypants?

by Medhurst June 29, 2006

Captain Fwiffo

A green alien with a tendency to get frightened at the drop of a pencil.

Hunam 1: Did you see Captain Fwiffo ride that roller coaster? What a baby!
Hunam 2: I know right!

by 541l0rl34f March 1, 2018

Captain Adventure

An awesome man who stands near creeks hoping to catch many fish. A two-fisted humdinger and a regular old go-to-heck. He's a genuine supraman, composed of twisted blue steel and sex appeal.

It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's Captain Adventure!

by Ramblin Shmoopy January 12, 2011