Carbon 1920 known as Noah Cancinos, has many singles and features in his career as now he is seaking for fame. Carbon continues to make music regardless of who hates.
Mark: “Damn Carbon 1920 throwing that fire again”
Sam:”I know he said he is bringing us some new stuff!”
when receipients of a bcc falsely believe unknowingly that they’re familiar with a person mentioned in it but are not.
The blind carbon copy false memory thru the recipients for a loop.
A person that's extremely annoying. They try to be popular but ultimately fail. They are nicknamed the carbon producer because the production of carbon dioxide harms our environment and atmosphere and so does said person.
Oh look, there's the carbon producer again, he's sooo lame.
When you sit on the toilet to take a dump but you only end up farting a bunch of times.
"I hope you had a good shit cause we still have a while to go on this road trip."
"Um. Well, it was kinda frustrating cause I guess I didn't have to go that toilet"
"Son of a bitch!"
"Hey, it's not my fault I was only able to carbonate that toilet! I really thought I had to do go!"
The act of placing a straw into one’s ass and farting into a cup of soda and giving the newly carbonated beverage with the straw to an unsuspecting victim.
Hey Jack, let’s carbonate Jenaya’s Coke while she’s not looking!
When the periodic table symbols are used, this spells out autistic, originated on TikTok and is used among friends.
Are you gold titanium sulfur titanium carbon?
The amount of greenhouse gas emissions a person causes while getting a tan.
"Wow, James just broke the scale on carbon tanprint by travelling from Iceland to Australia to get a tan"