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Certified Jimmy Weenie

Someone who uses “kys” as a response to a joke like a stupid ass

My friend was talking about aliens and grills and dreams and i said “have you taken your meds” and she said “wow kys” people who use this are Certified jimmy weenies

by Mudslap January 14, 2021

certified mieszko classic

Sytuacja spawnująca sie kiedy frekwencja jest w okolicach 40-50%
- twoja matka grozi ci wypisaniem z mieszka/przepisaniem do szkoły publicznej

- jesli dalej nie bedziesz chodzic do szkoly to nie bede tyle kurwa placic
- od jutra idziesz do osemki xd
>certified mieszko classic

by niemozliwe January 15, 2024

certified kionlinggg moment

When something is funny or completely out of pocket.

Bro i got raped last night


certified kionlinggg moment

by kionlinggg February 14, 2023


The practice of claiming that a particular software mix is certified to work with little or no testing so that a vendor's customer will attempt to implement it.

We've never tested that on Oracle 9i, lets just back-certify it with our client, the Acme corporation.

by Rob Hoehn April 10, 2007

Certified Basedking

Certified Basedking is when a person is great and make awesome music. They also disguard haters. They are motivated my faith and love what they do.

Certified Basedking doesn't care about any haters at all.

by mrswag454 July 27, 2011

Certified Idiot

A certified idiot is a math teacher who doesn’t know that five is less than six.

My math teacher must be a certified idiot; he cannot count to six.

by BbJjDd October 8, 2022

Certified Idiot

A certified idiot is a math teacher who doesn’t know that five is less than six.

My math teachers must be a certified idiot; he doesn’t know that five is less than six.

by BbJjDd October 8, 2022