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Lap Cleavage

The verticle seam of flesh visible on a vagina that is shaved bald

Check out the lap cleavage on that stripper

by Scott367 May 9, 2007

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The Origami Cleavage

When a chick with big boobs is wearing a low cut shirt and a bra that is too tight, has a noticable fold in her boob in the armpit region.

The best example is the orgin of this word. At a baseball game a beer girl, who was over weight and wearing a low cut, tight tight tight shirt walked by. Her bra was so tight also that it pushed her boobs back and her boob was folded over in the armpit area. She was rocking "the origami cleavage"!!!

by Chuck Gnasty & Mr. Paule August 8, 2009

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Phone Cleavage

This is when a woman places her phone in her cleavage rather than in a purse or pocket WHERE IT BELONGS!!

"Dude, did you see that woman in Maverick with phone cleavage? That was all sorts of nasty."

by SarahBellum July 16, 2008

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Cleavage Chili

When someone with diarrhea shits on a womans chest and then eats it.

"Dude I had some serious cleavage chili with my girl last night."
"I can't believe you actually ate that cleavage chili!"

by falloutfan111 April 12, 2008

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jean cleavage

the exposure of the top of a man's gluteal cleft

There are now T-shirts that prevent jean cleavage available.

by The Return of Light Joker September 8, 2011

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Cleavage Steamer

A cleavage steamer is having a one night stand, then defecating on your sleeping partner's chest before leaving.

Guy: Man last night was crazy.
Friend: How so?
Guy: After bangin this chick, I left her a cleavage steamer.
Friend: That's just nasty!!!

by TheHoodRat1987 March 28, 2011

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Bone Cleavage

The awkward meeting of the bones at the center of the chest where the boobs should meet.

Alyssa- "Michele, Please pull your shirt up so I don't have to see your creepy bone cleavage."

by ARose93 July 2, 2010

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