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Common Sense

Something that no-one has, ever will have, or will ever know about.

"No idea what common sense is lol"

by A1Real April 23, 2019

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Common sense

Not putting anything in your body you choose not to is common sense, no matter who tells you that common sense is puttng something in your body they want you to put in your body.

Not getting vaccinated doesn't mean you don't have common sense. If anything, you have a good head on your shoulders if you ppl ick and choose what you do and don't put in your body, even if someone tries to tell you they are let down or disappointed with you, or that you're not doing enough, or that you're not enough. Sometimes it is the other person's common sense that is questionable, even they they seem to have an ability to govern and a brilliant mind (such as a governor or president).

by The Original Agahnim July 23, 2021

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Common Person

this is a person that everyone knows, but isn't friends with. not to be confused with the popular people. like, the person you hear about all the time but never meet them/interact w/ them (just to eventually meet them)

Friend: OH yeah my friend Teby said the same thing!
Rando: Who tf is teby I hear about them from everyone
Friend: oh they're a pretty Common Person

by tebytoby<3 May 29, 2022

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Dining Common

Any one of the four cafeteria's located around the University of Massachusetts/Amherst campus. Given the refined title of Dining Common to hide the gross state of the dining facility from the uninitiated. Also known as the DC.

Unless you go to Umass you have no idea what a Dining Common is.

Dude, I just ate at the DC and now I have a Peruvian parasite gnawing through my lower intestines.

by D Reck October 11, 2005

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Common Cents

The money inside those 'Take a penny, leave a penny' trays inside convenience stores and gas stations.

If you're a few pennies short when checking out, just use some common cents.

by JFisc September 22, 2014

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Team Common

A large group of friends who congregate in there uni hall common room, they then meet on a regular basis to drink large quantities of alcohol and play silly games

lauren decided she wanted to get mullered....she invited team common round to join her

by TC The Founder December 31, 2010

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Common ground

Something you only have with someone you share a home with. If your home is not the same, you have no common ground with them.

Letting somebody know that the ground they think they own was never their ground to stand isn't wrong when they're not from the ground they're trying to either stand or take over. You don't owe anybody common ground, respect or anything else.

by The Original Agahnim May 26, 2021

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