Source Code

Body Count

how many people you have had sex with

person 1: Hey, what's your body count?
person 2: Idk... like 5

by yiye32 January 6, 2022

2👍 2👎

Counting Cobbles

To stroll around, with no real aim or end goal.

1: What are you up to, man?
2: Ahhh, you know, just counting cobbles.
3: Fair enough, swing by if you like.

Example 2;
1: Did you get anything nice from town?
2: Nah,just counted cobbles, really...
3: fair.

by Greeneee459 August 30, 2019

Count Everest

an individual of such immeasurable stature that he may be mistaken for a terrestrial rock formation. Attracts enthusiasts but should be attempted only by trained professionals.

Liam: “Whoa dude, there’s a pair of legs over there at the bar all by themselves!”
Wolfrick: “Nah bro, lean your head back and you’ll see it’s really a Count Everest

by daltonjfk August 30, 2019

Count steek

Count steek is a meme that originated from a french person saying 'count' instead of 'cunt' and 'steek' instead of 'steak'.

You may also say different variations of the expression to insult others, like: Steeky count , Steekiest

Another fun way of using this is to randomly insult others or simply just shout 'count steek' to confuse others

This is also used to annoy the person who originally mispronounced these words, he is such a count.

Count steek is a funny replacement for any insult

person: 'You're a fucking count'

person: 'Shut up you steek'

person: Look at that steeky count

person: 'We have steeks at the cafeteria ! '

person: You're the steekiest person on the planet

by Countsteek June 21, 2018

Count 43

Count 43 (a.k.a. C43, Count 42 or C42) is a gang, typically with 43 members who use cricket/baseball bats or drivers to kill people.

1: "Hey dawg, wanna start a Count 43?"
2: "Yea, I've always wanted to start one, hey, maybe we can start a cartel using it, which will turn our Count 43 into a Count 1849!"
5 minutes later on the street
3: "KURWAAAAAAA! I have to get away from this Count 43 before I die!" *dies*
count 43: *becomes Count 1849

by Ku Klux Klonoa May 30, 2023

notch count

The number of sexual partners one has been with, especially regarding a man (hence the notch = pussy).

Brad: "Bro I'm twenty and I've already slept with three different bitches."

Chad: "Yo that's nothing I had a 20 notch count by the time I was 16!"

by Old for my age November 13, 2022

Count Snackula

A Romanian with completely wrecked teeth, I'm talking seriously fucked up chompers to the point where it gives you tooth ache just looking at them. The clusterfuck in the Romanians mouth is caused by years of shit eating habits and excessive neediness.

The fuck-wit count snackula tried to drink her blood but settled for a packet of walkers instead.

by Rish the rocket January 18, 2022