Source Code

crip drip

When a Crip gang member has a wavy outfit aka "drip"

"Sheff G got hella Crip Drip on BD" - RKeishh

by RKeishh January 15, 2019

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Capalot Crip

A fake gang full of white middle school kids who think they are crips located in Watertown New York

You have to get your rounds to be a capalot crip๐Ÿคฃ

by Cheikh tourre December 8, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

crip day

One of the most dangerous and wide spread gangs in the U.S., the Crips (a.k.a C's,blues,crabs), was founded on a June 6 by Stanley "Tookie" Williams.

Every June 6th all members of the Crip gang get together and "flag" (a.k.a cause trouble,gangbang, etc). Any person wearing the color red this day (color of their rival gang the Bloods) will most likely get beat up.

Tomorrow's Crip day, don't wear red.

by DdC June 5, 2006

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Two gangs that formed from the seperation of the black panthers(originate from compton cali) very violent and stupid, blue being crips redbing bloods

Dont'e: You goin to ABC.

Darron: Yeah why.

Dont'e: Then take off that red there gonna be some BLOODS AND CRIPS!

by Tomscho March 28, 2007

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Crip side

Yes the left side is the crip side.It is also the Cobra,Folks Incorporated,G.D,and Young Guns side.These gangs are known as the "Folk" sect.They all dress to the left side,pitchforks up and use the 6 point star.Colors are blacc,blue,and green.The other most popular sect is known as the "People".They dress to the right side.This sect includes slobs vickie lousLatin Kings,etc.Glad to have straightened that out for the ignorant person jay who obviously knows jack shit about gangs.look at his definition of crip side.

I woke up one morning and since I am a crip after my shower I hand to put rubberbands on my left wrist,a blue bandana around my left ankle,turn my fitted hat so the brim was over my left ear,and last but not least:hang a blue flag out my baccside,but only on the left side, yeah thats the crip side.

by zxulu tha big lip bandit December 21, 2004

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crip spot

Parking space reserved for disabled/handicapped/crippled persons usually marked with a wheelchair painted on the ground or on a sign in front of it. Short for crippled-person spot. Very politically incorrect.

My brother got a ticket for parking in a crip spot even though, in my opinion, he would certainly quality as mentally handicapped.

by KobayashiMaru September 11, 2012

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Asian Crips

asian bangers, known as AC.
girl version is ACG.
junior version is AC Junior.
thier enemies are Blood, and MOD..
AC also know as BK; blood killers.

"ey!look at dat ac jumpin dat mod's ass!"

by CERTiFiEDSHAWTY February 12, 2005

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