Source Code

21 cup

a totally amazing, insanely awesome, jacked-up version of beer pong invented by some seriously smart (and seriously hot) babes from Bing.

21 cup is played with 21 cups each side of the table (a longggg table, naturally), and three people to a team. each teammate is paired up against the opponent directly across the table from them. there are 3 balls in play (1 for each set of opponents). 21 cup is a constant gameplay, there are no team turns. at the start, one team possesses two balls, each player on the outside of the table holding them. the opposing team's middle player holds the third ball. once gameplay starts, it doesn't stop til all the cups for one team are gone!

pretty much, you shoot your ball and attempt to land it in a cup. if you do, your opponent must drink that cup. once he has, he can shoot the ball. HE MUST DRINK THE ENTIRE CUP BEFORE SHOOTING! then it is his turn to do the same to you.
all you care about is your opponent. you don't drink for anyone else's cups and you just keep shooting (and drinking) as fast as you can to quickly eliminate all the cups on the other side before the opposing team does so to your cups.

1. bounces count, but not for 2 cups.
2. if you land your ball in a cup that your teammate just landed a ball in and hasn't been drank yet, they now each have to drink a cup.
3. if you shoot before drinking, you get the ball back and have to re-shoot. any cups you made are irrelevant and do not count.
4. if you are a total pussy and can't handle drinking a cup before shooting, you can pass your cup, but you must wait for the drinker to finish drinking it until you can shoot.
5. cups knocked off the table count, SO CATCH THEM. cups caught get refilled and are still in play.
6. there is NO rebuttle in 21 cup. if both teams make the last cup at the same time (yeah right) you both win and are both on the table for next game.

run along, fetch some cups and a whole lot of beer, and enjoy!

Keri: I was on the table for 8 straight games of 21 cup last night...
Crystal: Yeah, I know. I was standing right next to you....
Keri: Damn, I thought you were Katrina the whole night... that game gets you sooo f*cked up!
Katrina: KERI! I WASSSS standing right next to you the whole night! I was the other player on your OTHER side!!!

by cryssiecrackstem February 25, 2009

31πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Crunk Cup

A goblet or chalice that "pimps" carry around with them at social gatherings. Usually ridiculously decorated in a "sparkly" fashion. In fact, it looks like someone gave a kid with ADD infinite access to a "Bedazzler" and a china cabinet. Usually carries around "Cristal" (krih-stahl) immitations and such.

"That cup's spackled more with diamonds than my toilet with shit after I eat too mush Taco del Mar!"
"Word dawg, thass a Crunk Cup all up in dis."
"So that's what happened to my goddamn Bedazzler..."
"Niggah what?"

by THe Funk Trunk Blumpkin Explosion (Rekanyze!) September 30, 2004

99πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

jelly in a cup

jelly in a cup is when you cum in a cup

do you like jelly in a cup and drink it,what is jelly in a cup. (lots more ways)

by James Follower dingle berry November 24, 2017

Tuff Cup

The pivotal cup in a game of beer pong

β€œI just hit the last cup in a game of beer pong......tuff cup!”

by Dontouchmymoney6 August 26, 2018

Fast Cup

A Fast Cup is a quick hit off of a friend's dab pen.

"yo robby can i get a hit of that?"
"dont take a chieferson, just a Fast Cup"

by 4ffinity February 6, 2021

Chair in a cup

It’s a chair in a cup.the cup leads into a chair in a cup universe

Laughs in chair in a cup

by Catsonaut and STONERMAN September 24, 2020

Cup Cough

Cup Cough - A sore throat or mild cough associated with sharing a bong with a person or group of people who have a cold. Generally subsides after 24 hours.

See Bong}

Jimmy passed the bong without wiping the mouthpiece. Thanks to him, we all got cup cough.

by DWOGGLEZ December 26, 2015