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daring diva

it means ur cool and the most amazing person ever because ur a daring diva because ur cool

maddie: ur such a daring diva
me: i know
maddie: shut die
me: ok

by lauratherat November 2, 2021


Someone who acts like a diva, but is a man.

Dennis Quaid on the set of a movie, saying to the director "I am acting here, and this dickhead wanders onto my set, I can't even get a line out until dopey the dick starts whispering in your ear. You're not even watching anymore!" Dennis Quaid is a quintessential he-diva.

by LazerLance777 April 15, 2015

lunch diva

When a co-worker or friend is being difficult about going to lunch. Specifically, they arrive late to the destination and have complaints regarding the selection of food.

That lunch diva "insert friends name" made us 20 minutes late going to lunch today.

by lkjhgfdsapoiuyt November 4, 2009

Grand Diva

A trans woman/femme queen with an air of elegance and timeless charm. Think of black backless dresses and pearl necklaces, champagne and caviar. These ladies are of high esteem and self worth.

Reference from Salt-N-Pepa’s underrated song, “I Am The Body Beautiful” which pays homage to the ballroom scene and BLACK femme queens.

“Did you see Nicki’s shimmery ensemble tonight?”

“Yeah, girl. She’s totally a Grand Diva

“I love everything about you. Girl, you are a GRAND DIVA!”

by TheeGrandestDiva April 1, 2022

Grand Diva

A trans woman who exudes an aura of social dominance. Everyone wants to be her friend. Her appearance screams elegance. Her personality is like a cashmere sweater, warm and tasteful, never going out of style.

She is the embodiment of what every woman wants to be. She is…Grand Diva

“Do you see Nicki’s outfit today? I would kill for that necklace”

“Yup. She surely is Grand Diva”


“Diana is a Grand Diva. She’ll either be your best friend or your worst competition. Don’t test her or her gangster!”

by TheeGrandestDiva April 1, 2022

Diva Douche

A Diva Douche is a professional athlete with a ridiculous ego who thinks they are more than their team, and becomes a turncoat as they make decisions for themself at the expense of the team that made a name for them in the first place. Notable examples include Antonio Brown and Le’Veon Bell, formerly of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

I cannot wait to burn the jerseys of the diva douches that screwed us over last season.

by DrRorscharch March 15, 2019

gutter diva

slore;(slut+whore);+diva;living life in a manner reflecting dirty and or transient sexual behavior while complaining with an over exagerated sence of accomplishment

That chic is such a gutter diva.

by Dguy UKnow August 3, 2015