Source Code

dom breaking

Dom breaking is the idea that anyone who acts as a Dom in sex/relationships can be turned into a Sub by a partner with enough "Raw masculine dominance". It's often used against dominant women by people who think they're just "Subs who haven't met someone dominant enough".

Person A: Whoa, you're hooking up with her? She's a total dominant, how's that gonna turn out?
Person B: Nah, all she needs is some good dom breaking and she'll be putty in my hands.

by Maxwell_Edison November 22, 2018

17πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

dom or sub

referring to dominoes or subway

girlfriend β€œhey honey would you like dom or sub for dinner tonight?”
boyfriend: β€œi dont know babe you can choose”

by toenailclippingsinursoup July 6, 2019

134πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Dom Bomb

Similar to a Sake bomb, but replace the Sake with Tequila (or Vodka), and replace the beer with Dom Perignon.

The Dom Bombs got a little out of hand last night, I think I'm still drunk.

by bos_c March 9, 2011

21πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

dom sauce

A supple conjunction of sprite, 99 oranges, vodka, grenadine, and orange juice. Used to bring females to their knees.

Yo after that bitch sipped on some Dom Sauce, she was ready to hit the sack.

by Phife Star March 9, 2008

8πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The rarest of sexual phenoms, there’s only eleven (11) dominant bottoms on Earth, two of whom reside within 2 miles of each other in a Detroit suburb. This type of sexual partner creates power and dominance from a sub-bottom stance during intercourse. A practical view of a quadrupedal stance is needed to assess whether one is a dom-bom or not.

β€œHey, did you hear about the two dom-boms in TDX? Apparently they’re massive.”

by Misfit Mafia May 17, 2022

Domming about

Domming about refers to someone acting like an spaz/idiot in general, personal and public situations.

This can include but is not limited to:
- Fidgiting while watching a film/sport.
- Making weird noises
- Mumbling instead of talking
- Asking about things that haven't happened in a film yet
- Making chairs squeak constantly
- Making jokes nobody else gets
- Laughing at own jokes which nobody else gets
- Asking how to spell common words

reference of the movie: "I Am Legend"...
A: "Are they part of the infected?"
B: "No mate, they are Manikins"
A: "What is that manikin doing in that shop?"
B: "Looks like he placed it there"
A: "Did the zombies put it there?"
B: "No mate, I think he put it there"
A: "Why did he put it there?"
B: "I don't know mate, because he's lonely maybe"
A: "I swear one just moved, it must be infected"


and while watching any film, and Person A is Fidgiting a bunch...
B: "Mate, will you please stop Domming About?"
A: "Hughgha Murrbeeeallurgh Muh!"
B: "What mate? I can't understand you stop mumbling!"
A: "Burr?"
B: "Stop Domming About!!"


A: "How do you spell Please?"
B: "Stop Domming around!!!"

by killkrazy September 5, 2010

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dom's Mom

Your fat friend's Mom that shows her love and support to her son Dom with amazing child photos. Also known as queen Marie

Me: Yo Dom's Mom is pretty thicc today
Dom: Yeah it's her 3 o clock blott

by The lover of Dom's Mom August 24, 2018

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž