Source Code

Gooby Dooby

The Phrase you say while Walking away from a conversation

Person 1:"Hey, What's you opinions on politics?" Person 2:"Gooby Dooby."

by A Random Word Maker August 3, 2022

Jacob Doobie

Name of a true slag will shag your husband and leave you with aids not to be messed with secretly a transgender called Chantelle

I pulled a Jacob Doobie last night

by Doobie6 November 18, 2019

king doobie

King of doobies. Commonly seen in a spaceship. Highly dangerous. Uses a false sense of security to render opponents unable to maintain a serious demeanor. Often accompanied by a seemingly ridiculous aura reminiscent of a cartoon character. If encountered, attempt to maintain composure and a straight face and disregard your urge to care about your image.

King Doobie doesn't fuck around but he makes it hard not to laugh before you die.

by Weweresupposedtogetmarried April 23, 2017

Doobie Boomer

Any of various older men typically 45 to 85 who upon reaching these years develop a seemingly unnatural obsession with cannabis, cannabis culture and cannabis consumption. (See Joey Diaz.)

There's so many of these doobie boomers on the internet now, soon weed won't even be cool smh.

by sisterfisterxx June 23, 2022

Doobie Vibin

When one is fucked up in some sort of way and vibin with the homies.

Sam: damn Ricky is fucked up pretty bad man look at him.
Tom: goddamn he doobie vibin tho.

by 420or69? December 22, 2021


When you are doing something. To describe someone. Combination of “Do” and “Be.” “Dooby”

“He dooby talkin to that mom over there”
“He dooby like that.

by Newfound Slang August 28, 2023


A legend; A G.O.A.T; A leader; The person that is your role model; A god

"Woah bro Justin is cracked at Fortnite; he's such a dooby"

"Damn that guy's the opposite of a dooby"

by December 17, 2020