A predominantly competitive (comparison or self-evaluative) activity within which the participant is subjected to natural or unusual physical demands. Moreover, an unsuccessful outcome is likely to result in the injury or fatality of the participant, in contrast to non-extreme sport. -Cohen, Baluch and Duffy
Base Jumping is an extreme sport which is very dangerous and risky though very exciting .
Someone that likes young girls even if their family
Dylan is an extreme pedo he likes his cousin
Extreme Hiking is when you meet some strange guy on the internet and he askes you to go hiking in the woods for the first meet.
I am going extreme hiking alone. Would you like to go extreme hiking with me?
When someone is not just simply right, they are unmistakably right.
Captain... you are 'EXTREMELY RIGHT'
When you hit a bunch of cocaine in a small amount of time you go to the state of being extremely cheezed. Your eyes go super wide, everything starts looking trippy and theres a possibility that you may have a heartattack. There is also a possibility of your brain and thoughts going numb.
Me and Nate took all that cheese last night and dude I was extremely cheezed.
Extreme Instinct: Defined as the highest level of innate reaction to a situation. Causes a higher faster power where the mind takes control of a situation to overcome any obstacle. All have it , many don't use it and the select few can control it. The Extreme Instinct is sole reason for mans perseverance and climb to the top of the food chain. "Why Just Survive When You Can THRIVE"
When that lion was in full charge my Extreme Instinct was the only thing that kept me alive , I don't even know how I did it but in the end I was the victor.
A game mode that takes years to beat
A. After 3 years I have beaten Metal Gear Solid on European Extreme
B.Good job now beat Metal Gear Solid 2
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