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False Alarm

Exact opposite of shart. When you get a feeling that you really need to take a shit but after being seated on the throne you only fluctuate.

"Man i thought I had to take a massive dump but it turned out to be a false alarm." or "Why are you acting like a huge false alarm?"

by Ratedout August 9, 2008

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false anger

The kind of anger you get when you're mad at something that, when thought out, is nothing to be mad at at all. Usually caused by lack of sleep or previous anger that day.

Ray was furious at Troy because Ray came downstairs to read, and Troy had the TV on, which was very distracting. (Ray has false anger and not regular anger because he came to the room with the TV on already, and he could have gone anywhere else to read.)

by coleProtocol October 30, 2005

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false tooth

When a girl who is missing a tooth is giving you head and you cum where the tooth should be.

Yeah she got her tooth knocked out but I gave her a false tooth last night.

by Yellow Hat Man December 16, 2016

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False Hope

Obama's entire campaign.

McCain: People should vote for me, at least I don't spew false hope like Obama does.
America: Then you shouldn't have picked Sarah Palin, you old jackass

by successfulheterosexual June 13, 2010

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False friend

When you fart thinking just to pass gas, but actually you shit your pants. Ops, too late.

False friend!!!!

by M.M.Ridiculous March 2, 2011

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false advertising

also false-advertising or false advertise n. Relates to instances on the internet (particularly, but not limited to gay culture) where non-desirable looking persons promote extremely favorable images of themselves, or others, in an effort to lead the viewer into believing that that is how the sender looks on a daily basis.

I went all the way across town to hook up with that guy last night because he wanted me really badly and looked really hot online, but when I got there that fugly slut opened the door and scared the crap out of me. I told him to stop false advertising and put up some pictures that looked like him and less like Ashton Kutcher, then I went home.

by JacobKing0722 October 27, 2007

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False Hype

When your doing a task or a series of tasks that you really don't want to do and you need some motivation for getting it done.

Im running on False Hype this week.

No false hype!

by falsehyper July 31, 2018

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