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functional programming

Much in the way one who participates in heavy drinking, but can operate in normal society is a functional alcoholic: one who participates in heavy function use, but can program normal programs is doing functional programming. Functions, especially the more street available nested anonymous ones, are highly addictive and may make you want to abandon other forms of control flow entirely. Allows one to write code that operates on other code easily. Nerd Shit.

My favorite functional programming language is Idris, it's like Haskell but for nerds.

by Timothy Brentwood July 27, 2022

functional programming

a shitty way to program that is infearior to imperative programmering languages like HolyC

haskell is ass because it uses functional programming

by The Holy Language Authority March 14, 2022

single function application

A computer application that only covers a single, distinct, area of functionality with little or no integration with other processes or other applications e.g. a simple calendar application or a business application that has complex functionality, but on for a distinct business process function such as creating and approving Purchase orders, but no direct integration/inter-dependencies with others functions, such as Financial Reporting or Stock Control in external applications or where activated as part of the same application (therefore not a Single Function Application).
The point is that Single Function Applications more likely to be SaaS products as they are less likely to need customisation or additional coding specifically for an individual installation (customer) or Integration testing.
Therefore Single Function Applications may be easily developed with traditional Agile values, rather than needing a Hybrid approach (e.g. a 'Waterfall' Integration and/or Regression Test phase after development Sprints and before Shipping each Release).

I'm developing a Single Function Application which doesn't integrate with any other areas of functionality, so I won't need to do any Integration testing with other applications of other areas of functionality.

by MattJKing71 April 10, 2019

Liver Function Test

A lab diagnostic tool to access a medical student's drinking ability.

Hey Josh, I just finished my anatomy exam. I need a liver function test!

by medicalschool123 September 17, 2022


Functioning-nuisance is a person or thing that exist in an environment or society passively, yet unaware of the prevailing norms around them.

John is driving like a functioning-nuisance in the freeway.

by Functioning-nuisance May 29, 2014


the concept of designing structures or buildings in such a manner that they look beautiful and are functional (working well).

Cosmeto-functionalism could be a useful concept in design.

by uttam maharjan January 19, 2013

Functionally Alternative

A person or persons whom are unable to operate a hammer or tools in general but are extremely capable with knowledge.

Suzan is functionally alternative, she might hurt herself with a soup spoon but she'll hurt you with her knowledge of appropriate Shakespeare insults.

by GridSquid September 2, 2022