Source Code

You get a car!

A reference to "The Oprah Winfrey Show", where Oprah decided to give everyone in the audience a car.


by Jpdsimas January 21, 2019

please leave me alone and how did you get in my house WAIT IS THAT A GU-

the person that said this is not to be investigated and their case should be left unsolved

wait... ITS YOU! PLEASE just... please leave me alone and how did you get in my house WAIT IS THAT A GU-

by June 19, 2022

get you a mans like this

A phrase someone says when a man does something polite or charming. It means to get a respectful boyfriend like the guy you are referencing is to his girlfriend.

Jenna: Hey Charlie, can you go get me some more water?

Charlie: Sure (gets up to go get Jenna water)
Jenna: Can you also grab the ketchup?
Charlie: Yeah (grabs ketchup and water and brings them to Jenna)
Alice: Get you a mans like this!

by Jeff Goldblum 101 July 1, 2020

Did you get your Comeback Stamp for the day? Get tons of bonus XP!

Did you get your Comeback Stamp for the day? Get tons of bonus XP!

Did you get your Comeback Stamp for the day? Get tons of bonus XP!

by banana guy68419 October 12, 2022

tryna get places with you

A guy/girl wants to be more than friends; if you say “where” they will play it off and say best friends

Yo Jennifer, Dylan’s tryna get places with you.

by xxxtentaciton777 January 14, 2018

Get with you

Wanna fuck/hook up

Guy: Girl I wanna get with you

by duster46 May 19, 2020

What are you getting at?

Usually said when a person is trying to allude to a bigger topic/claim in their comments/questions. The thing that is being alluded to is usually unpleasant and/or not in the favor of the person who these comments are being told to.

Interrogator: Where were you at 5:10pm am on the 13th of February when your husband was killed?
Women: I was at the supermarket.
Cop: Really? We looked through the security cameras and you were no where to be found, cops also testify weren't carrying any groceries when you came back home.

Women: What are you getting at?

Cop: I'm saying that you killed your husband and used the supermarket as an alibi!

by thickjordanianbooty101 March 5, 2021