The Fitness Gram Pacer Test is an aerobic capacity torture technique for young children and adults. When you hear this sound *d i n g* You may begin the torture of bad cardio. Run from one end of the room to the other before you here this sound * b e e p * Are you ready to collapse? Go on the word "die". On your mark, get set, DIE!
"Ugh my friends won't respond, I'll just spam the fitness gram pacer test until they beg me to stop":)
the primary form of communication for old animal jam players
3RD GRADER IN 2017: ey buddy hop on ajpw after school i needa shoot you a jam-a-gram its about my e-bf
A unit used in the Metric System. It defines something's or someone's mass.
1: "A paperclip weighs 1 Gram."
2: "I don't need to know that but it's fun to know."
The act of posting on Instagram.
You Gram that yet bro?
Just sittin here Gramin.