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National Hickey Day

National Hickey Day is celebrated on the February 19th of each year and it is a time where everyone has fun and parties

Last National Hickey Day I went all out bro- had so much fun with the ladies bro

by Boulder Girl February 20, 2023

National hickey day

On may 19 is when u give ur gf a hickey!<33

Her: Why would you do that?!!
Him: it’s national hickey day

by Kur0miii May 18, 2022

National Hickey Day

A yearly celebration observed on February 19th, dedicated to the act of giving or receiving hickeys. Often marked by affectionate gestures and playful intimacy, participants engage in this activity to express love and passion. Originating in 2023, it was founded by Sven Patzer, who aimed to promote a day of uninhibited romantic expression.

Hey, did you know tomorrow is National Hickey Day? It's the perfect excuse to show some extra affection to your partner!

by Hickey Fiend May 1, 2024

National Hickey Day

July 12th... national hickey day...

give your significant other (or anyone really) a hickey in honor of national hickey day, lmao

by deadinside699 July 12, 2019

national hickey day

june 27th is national hickey day so cover whoever you wish in hickeys

“today is national hickey day so i’m going to cover my girl in hickeys

by lol3214 June 27, 2021

National Hickey Day

"National Hickey Day" is on June 5th!

"Holy shit, today is June 5th, how about we go in the bedroom and makeout for National Hickey Day!!"

by blackman8789 May 27, 2020

National hickey day

National hickey days September 20th and December 16th go get a hickey.

I got a hickey on national hickey day!

by Curtis and james September 20, 2021